Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Don't you just LOVE your friends?

Today was the first day of training for my new position.  I started the day with optimism.  True happiness.  The first time in 100 days (see my 100 day post for more info on that ;)) have I really felt happy.

My training starts almost an hour later than my normal shift, therefore I got to sleep in an extra hour...wow, heaven!  But holy hell, who would have thought traffic was that bad an hour later than normal.  So, not that I was running late but in my mind, it was nip and tuck!  Then a quick run in the rain, made it to work!

The morning was crazy.  So much information thrown at me all at once, my head was spinning.  I wasn't keeping things straight and I thought I was a goner.  Especially since the other person training seemed to be flying through it.

By noon, I was almost in tears.  I took my lunch bag upstairs, couldn't eat lunch due to the fact that I was sure I was going to throw up and sat down to text my friends.

Thank god for friends!  They lifted me up and told me everything I know about myself but seem to forget.  That I am amazing and will do amazing.  To breath deeply.  To do my thing.  That I am a superstar.  To stay positive.  To ignore the negativity.    To not stress.    That I am smart.  That their money is on my in the long run!  And that to be overwhelmed on the first day is an excellent sign that I will enjoy the challenge of the job in the weeks to come.  That anything you master on the first day, I am sure to be bored with it by the next week.

After that, I was able to pick myself up, go back to work and the afternoon went much better.  I kept my positivity up and ended the day on a positive note.  And even though as I walked back to my car,  my umbrella caught the wind, snapped and cut open my hand.

Just keep smiling =)  Friends can get you through everything.   They remind you of who you are and who you can be.  Those are true friends.  I am so thankful for my friends....each and every one of them.

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