Tuesday 22 May 2012

100 days

What can happen in 100 days?
Nothing and everything.

100 days ago was the incident date. 
The day that changed me and my outlook on life. 
Made me scared of my own shadow. 
The day that made me not trust men, to look at them in a different light.
The day that made me cringe in fear when someone touches my neck, my wrists, my mouth, my hair.
The day that made me scared to walk down by the river alone.
The day that took away my silver lining outlook on life.

100 days was on Saturday.
I thought there would be more happening on my 100 days but instead, I worked my ass off.  I spent the day mostly alone, thinking.  Sitting on a tractor seat, tilling the soil, mowing the grass.  Wielding an axe, cutting down trees and hauling out dead fall.  Taking a chainsaw to the wood and then burning it.
I have never had so much satisfaction.

So, 100 days....
100 days has given me my sanity back.  I am happy.  Right now, truly happy.  I will have my ups and downs and there will still be triggers and set backs.  But they will be few and far between because he is not going to get me down.  He is not going to take my life away.  Even though it is raining right now and looks like all week, the sun is shining in me.  The first time in 100 days, the sun is truly shining and I am smiling.

Have a sunshiny day!

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